Dealing with absenteeism
START: Team members have an obligation not to be absent from work without good cause and promptly advise any absences. The burden of proof is on the team member to show that his/her absence is justifiable. Frequent absenteeism without reasonable excuse may be cause for dismissal. Even if the team member has valid reasons for the absences (ill health, family problems etc) this does not mean their absences cannot be challenged or that you can’t ask them to reduce their absences in line with their original ‘deal’ which was to attend work for the hours for which they are paid. The problem you face could include:
- Overall attendance unacceptable.
- Poor timekeeping.
- Exceeding leave entitlement.
- Suspicious pattern o catch f absences.
- No notification of absence.
- Unsatisfactory reasons for absence.
- High level of ACC absences
Notification of absence: Team members are expected to ensure that notice of their absence is given to their manager at or before the normal starting time on each day of absence. Furthermore, team members are required to provide a satisfactory reason for all absences. If you experience one or more of the above symptoms follow the steps below.
1. Collect the facts including;
- Times, dates, patterns i.e. all Fridays and Mondays
- Percentage of time off over a 12 month period (report from the Payroll system)
- Triggering events?
- Was permission sought?
- Reasons given afterwards?
- Were our expectations made clear?
- What outcome do we want?
- Any other performance or behaviour issues? NB: You are entitled to call and check that an team member who says they are at home sick is actually at home.
2. Time for a ‘reminder’ of our standards and expectations. Make contact with the team member on their return;
- Demonstrate concern
- Establish reason(s) for absence; probe for real reasons (check these out).
- Remind team member about expected standards (and that these apply regardless of the genuineness of the reasons for absence).
- Discuss consequences if no improvement.
- Ask for their agreement to meet required standard.
- Agree how you’ll monitor turnaround. Make good diary notes so that you can refer to this conversation if things don’t improve.
3. If the issue continues its time to take a more formal approach (but probably one that stops short of discipline unless the absences are willful i.e. told they can’t have the day off but do so anyway). We use the performance coaching conversation plan to raise the issue, get agreement to improve and indicate that if improvement doesn’t happen disciplinary action will follow. Key elements in this approach are:
- Prepare by collecting facts.
- Review previous discussion.
- Indicate your continuing concern re: absences.
- Obtain explanation for latest absence(s)/issues.
- Seek agreement to improve.
- Discuss possible solutions to the problem.
- Indicate consequences of failure to improve (disciplinary action).
- Agree action plan for improvement (where appropriate).
- Informal reprimand if issue is a ‘won’t do’ rather can ‘can’t do’.
- Make a record of the conversation and its outcome.